Vargas (CMS 2013) Project Profile   (updated 06-Sep-2018)
Project Title:A framework for carbon monitoring and upscaling in forests across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+

Science Team

Rodrigo Vargas, University of Delaware (Project Lead)
Richard (Rich) Birdsey, Woodwell Climate Research Center
Kristofer (Kris) Johnson, USDA Forest Service

Project Duration: 2013 - 2016
Solicitation:NASA: Carbon Monitoring System (2013)
Successor Projects: Vargas (CMS 2016)  
Abstract: Rationale: Mexico is a mega-diverse country where nearly 40% of its territory is covered by forests. The long-term impacts of land use and anthropogenic changes have fragmented and fundamentally transformed Mexican landscapes. Therefore, forests in Mexico are determined by climate gradients and land history creating a heterogeneous landscape. The most important land use change types having caused severe ecological degradation include: deforestation, high impact livestock grazing, and soil tillage. Furthermore, Mexico has shown an average rate of deforestation of nearly 550,000 ha year for the period 1993-2007 with a slight increase in natural forest regeneration, particularly in southern Mexico. It is estimated that gross primary productivity (GPP) of the conterminous USA is ~7 PgC, but Mexico's ecosystems uptake ~2.6 PgC yr-1 with only 1/3 of the USA land mass. During the last decade the scientific capacity of Mexican scientists has rapidly increased and state-of-the-art measurements on carbon dynamics are now available at representative landscapes, and nationally supported by remote sensing and a national forest inventory. Thus, the time is ripe to test different approaches towards a framework for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) to support implementation of REDD+ across a gradient of forests in Mexico. Overall goal: to analyze carbon stocks and dynamics from ecosystem- to the regional-scale as well as characterize and quantify the errors and uncertainties across scales for the MRV to support implementation of REDD+ in Mexican forests. Specific objectives: 1) standardize ongoing methodologies for upscaling forest inventories and carbon dynamics measurements across 6 intensive forest monitoring sites; 2) characterize and quantify the errors and uncertainties in measurements and ecosystem models (BESS, DNDC) and remote sensing approaches (MODIS) for upscaling purposes of carbon dynamics in Mexican Forests; 3) identify hot-spots suitable for REDD+ and assess the potential vulnerability and variability of carbon dynamics at the national scale for the last 13 years. Approach: this proposal builds upon ongoing efforts by the USDA Forest Service (support by USAID and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation) and the University of Delaware to study carbon dynamics in ecosystems across Mexico. This proposal will consolidate collaboration with Mexican scientists across six intensive forest monitoring sites (Tier 3) representing different forest types (evergreen, deciduous, mix, mangrove). Detailed data, including forest inventory, LIDAR, and net ecosystem exchange (NEE; using the eddy covariance technique) is already available at most sites. First, this proposal will standardize/harmonize the available data across sites (forest inventory, eddy covariance). Second, we will validate biomass, NEE, and gross primary productivity (GPP) at the site level based on forest inventories and eddy covariance measurements with ecosystem models (BESS, DNDC), and remote sensing approaches (MODIS). Third, errors and uncertainties will be quantified at the ecosystem-level and at the regional scale for estimation of carbon socks and carbon dynamics across Mexican forests. Finally, we will use 13 years of archived remote sensing information (MODIS 2000-2013) to identify hot-spots, extreme values and trends at the regional scale that will provide insights for establishment for REDD+ initiatives. Significance: This proposal supports NASA carbon cycle research through validation of MODIS products through measurements of forest inventories, and cross-validation with other models. This study will generate harmonized datasets on carbon cycle science in Mexico to make them comparable to datasets available in the United States.
Measurement Approaches:
  • Flux Tower Measurements
  • In Situ Measurements
  • Modeling
  • Synthesis
Project Associations:
  • CMS
CMS Primary Theme:
  • Land Biomass
CMS Science Theme(s):
  • Land Biomass
  • MRV


Gregorio Ángeles-Pérez, Colegio de Postgraduados
Josep Barba, University of Delaware
Richard (Rich) Birdsey, Woodwell Climate Research Center
Stephen Bullock, Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada
Bernardus (Ben) de Jong, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
Jaime Garatuza, Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (ITSON)
Kristofer (Kris) Johnson, USDA Forest Service
Natalia Kowalska, University of Delaware
Marcela Olguin-Alvarez, US Forest Service - International Programs SilvaCarbon
Fernando Paz, Mexican Carbon Program
Rainer Ressl, Comision nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad (CONABIO)
Youngryel Ryu, Seoul National University
Zulia Sanchez-Mejia, Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora
Rodrigo Vargas, University of Delaware
Sergio Villela, National Forestry Commission of Mexico (CONAFOR)
Enrico Yepez, Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora

Contact Support to request an email list of project participants.

Project URL(s): None provided.
Product Title:  Methodologies for upscaling carbon stocks and dynamics from forest inventories to regional scale.
Time Period:  2000-2015
Description:  - Create an MRV system that quantifies Forest carbon stocks, dynamics, and uncertainties from ecosystem- to regional-scales for inventory and land management purposes.
Status:  Planned
CMS Science Theme(s):  Land Biomass
Keywords:  Carbon Stocks (; terrestrial)
Spatial Extent:  Mexico
Spatial Resolution:  5 km
Temporal Frequency:  Monthly
Input Data Products:  MOD17 GPP/NPP & MODIS PFT v5.1 land cover
Algorithm/Models Used:  
Intercomparison Efforts/Gaps:  
Uncertainty Estimates:  
Uncertainty Categories:  
Application Areas:  - MRV, REDD+ ; - Forest inventory; - Land management
Relevant Policies/Programs:  REDD+, US-Mexico Bilateral, NALS, Doha/Kyoto, NACP, CarboNA
Potential Users:  USFS, Mexican National Forestry Commission, Canadian Forest Service
Stakeholders:  Comision nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad (CONABIO) (Point of Contact: Rainer Ressel (; El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Point of Contact: Bernardus de Jong (; Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora (Point of Contact: Enrico Yepez (; Programa Mexicano del Carbono (Point of Contact: Fernando Paz (; Sergio Villela (Point of Contact:
Current Application Readiness Level:  2
Start Application Readiness Level:  1
Target Application Readiness Level:  3
Future Developments:  - Post data on Oak Ridge Research Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC) and University of Delaware websites.; - Communicate routinely with a researcher who was hired as a liaison for the Mexican National Forestry Commission as part of t
Limitations:  - No coverage of all forests in Mexico, limited to only a few.; - Limited coverage of different forest types that make up the Mexican biomass landscape.; - No historical plot-level data before 2011.
Date When Product Available:  Soon to be available at ORNL DAAC, contact the PI to access datasets in the meantime; ; 1) soil CO2 efflux in a study site in Mexico; 2) MODIS GPP and Sea Surface Temperature across the Baja Californi
Metadata URL(s):
Soon to be available at ORNL DAAC, contact the PI to access datasets in the meantime
Data Server URL(s):
Soon to be available at ORNL DAAC, contact the PI to access datasets in the meantime
Archived Data Citation:  
Bounding Coordinates:
West Longitude:0.00000 East Longitude:0.00000
North Latitude:0.00000 South Latitude:0.00000

Product Title:  CMS: Soil CO2 Efflux and Properties, Site Vegetation Measurements, Mexico, 2011-2012
Start Date:  08/2011      End Date:  08/2012     (2011-2012)
Description:  This data set provides the results of (1) monthly measurements of soil CO2 efflux, volumetric water content, and temperature, and (2) seasonal measurements of soil (porosity, bulk density, nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) content) and vegetation (leaf area index (LAI), litter and fine root biomass) properties in a water-limited ecosystem in Baja California, Mexico. Measurements and samples were collected from August 2011 to August 2012.
Status:  Archived
CMS Science Theme(s):  Land-Atmosphere Flux
Keywords:  soil CO2 flux, volumetric water content, soil porosity, soil nitrogen,soil carbon, leaf area index fine root biomass
Spatial Extent:  
Spatial Resolution:  
Temporal Frequency:  CO2 flux, soil temperature and water content measurements were done monthly all others were done seaonally
Input Data Products:  N/A
Algorithm/Models Used:  N/A
Intercomparison Efforts/Gaps:  
Uncertainty Estimates:  
Uncertainty Categories:  
Application Areas:  
Relevant Policies/Programs:  
Potential Users:  Carbon cycle scientists
Stakeholders:  Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada (Point of Contact: Stephen Bullock (
Current Application Readiness Level:  2
Start Application Readiness Level:  1
Target Application Readiness Level:  3
Future Developments:  
Limitations:  It is likely that higher spatial resolution is needed for previously observed controls of soil CO2 efflux such as: soil texture (Cable et al., 2008), different soil organic matter fractions (Almagro et al., 2013), soluble carbon pools (Scott-Denton et al., 2003), and litter decomposition rates (Stoyan et al., 2000).
Date When Product Available:  2015-12-01
Assigned Data Center:  ORNL DAAC
Metadata URL(s):
Data Server URL(s):
Archived Data Citation:  Vargas, R., and E. Leon. 2015. CMS: Soil CO2 Efflux and Properties, Site Vegetation Measurements, Mexico, 2011-2012. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. DOI: 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1298

Bounding Coordinates:
West Longitude:-116.61000 East Longitude:-116.59000
North Latitude:32.04000 South Latitude:32.02000

Product Title:  CMS: Evapotranspiration and Meteorology, Water-Limited Shrublands, Mexico, 2008-2010
Start Date:  01/2008      End Date:  12/2010     (Daily for the time period 2008-2010)
Description:  This data set provides daily average observations for evapotranspiration (measured and gap-filled), precipitation, net radiation, soil water content, air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and normalized vegetation index (NDVI) from two water-limited shrubland sites for years 2008-2010. Both sites are located in the northwest part of Mexico and are part of the MexFlux network.
Status:  Archived
CMS Science Theme(s):  Land-Atmosphere Flux
Keywords:  Flux/Movement (; anthropogenic;; terrestrial;; atmospheric)
Spatial Extent:  El Mogor, in the Valle de Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico, and Rayon, at the edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental, 4-km northeast of the town of Rayon in Sonora, Mexico
Spatial Resolution:  Point data
Temporal Frequency:  Daily
Input Data Products:  Open-path infrared gas analyzer (IRGA; LI-7500, LI-COR, Lincoln, USA) and a three-dimensional sonic anemometer (81000V, Young, Traverse City, USA)
Algorithm/Models Used:  EddyPro version 4 (LI-COR)
Intercomparison Efforts/Gaps:  For all data analyses, filtered data were used (i.e., data with gaps), but for comparing annual sums and performing time series analyses we used gap-filled time series. Data gaps were filled following the procedures by the online Eddy Covariance Gap-Filling and Flux-Partitioning Tool available at: (Reichstein et al., 2005).
Uncertainty Estimates:  
Uncertainty Categories:  
Application Areas:  
Relevant Policies/Programs:  
Potential Users:  
Stakeholders:  Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada (Point of Contact: Stephen Bullock (; Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora (Point of Contact: Enrico Yepez (
Current Application Readiness Level:  2
Start Application Readiness Level:  1
Target Application Readiness Level:  3
Future Developments:  
Date When Product Available:  2016-03-21
Assigned Data Center:  ORNL DAAC
Metadata URL(s):
Data Server URL(s):
Archived Data Citation:  Villarreal, S., R. Vargas, A. Yepez, S. Acosta, A. Castro, M. Escoto-Rodriguez, E. Lopez, J. Martinez-Osuna, J.C. Rodriguez, S.V. Smith, E.R. Vivoni, and C.J. Watts. 2016. CMS: Evapotranspiration and Meteorology, Water-Limited Shrublands, Mexico, 2008-2010. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. DOI: 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1309

Bounding Coordinates:
West Longitude:-116.61000 East Longitude:-110.53000
North Latitude:32.03000 South Latitude:29.74000

Product Title:  CMS: MODIS GPP, fPAR, and SST, and ENSO Index, Baja California, Mexico, 2000-2013
Start Date:  01/2000      End Date:  12/2013     (2000-2013)
Description:  This data set provides data for MODIS-derived (1) gross primary productivity (GPP) for the years 2000-2010, (2) fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (fPAR) for the years 2003-2013, (3) sea surface temperature (SST) for the years 2003-2013, and (4) the NOAA-source Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) data for the years 2003-2013 (as a measure of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation). The study areas were three transects on the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, and the adjacent Pacific Ocean. The terrestrial transects, in order from North to South, West to East included Punta Colonet (three sites-PC1, PC2, PC3), Punta Abreojos (two sites-PA1, PA2), and Magdalena Bay (three sites-MB1, MB2, MB3).
Status:  Archived
CMS Science Theme(s):  Global Surface-Atmosphere Flux; Land-Ocean Flux; Ocean-Atmosphere Flux
Spatial Extent:  The study areas were three transects on the Baja California Peninsula, and the adjacent Pacific Ocean. The transects included Punta Colonet, Punta Abreojos, and Magdalena Bay.
Spatial Resolution:  Each site was 25 km2 at each transect with the mean value for GPP and fPAR reported for the center pixel. SST: ~4 km (north/south; the finest resolution of the data) by up to ~100 km (east/west).
Temporal Frequency:  Monthly and 8-day averages
Input Data Products:  MODIS Land Product (MOD15A2); MODIS MOD17; MODIS (time series); Multivariate ENSO Index (unitless value)
Algorithm/Models Used:  fPAR (used here as a proxy for GPP temporal patterns) and GPP observations were derived from MODIS Land Product Subsets generated with Collection 5 from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC, 2008 (a)) fPAR subsets of 25-km2 were used at each transect from 2003 through 2013 (2 to 3 inland subsets per transect), with the mean value for fPAR reported for the center pixel.
Intercomparison Efforts/Gaps:  
Uncertainty Estimates:  
Uncertainty Categories:  
Application Areas:  ecosystem process-based models
Relevant Policies/Programs:  
Potential Users:  
Stakeholders:  Instituto Tecnologico de Sonora (Point of Contact: Enrico Yepez (; Programa Mexicano del Carbono (Point of Contact: Fernando Paz (
Current Application Readiness Level:  2
Start Application Readiness Level:  1
Target Application Readiness Level:  3
Future Developments:  
Date When Product Available:  2016-03-21
Assigned Data Center:  ORNL DAAC
Metadata URL(s):
Data Server URL(s):
Archived Data Citation:  Reimer, J.J., R. Vargas, D. Rivas, G. Gaxiola-Castro, J.M. Hernandez-Ayon, and R. Lara-Lara. 2016. CMS: MODIS GPP, fPAR, and SST, and ENSO Index, Baja California, Mexico, 2000-2013. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. DOI: 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1310

Bounding Coordinates:
West Longitude:-117.00000 East Longitude:-108.00000
North Latitude:32.64000 South Latitude:22.77000

Publications: Barba, J., Cueva, A., Bahn, M., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Bond-Lamberty, B., Hanson, P. J., Jaimes, A., Kulmala, L., Pumpanen, J., Scott, R. L., Wohlfahrt, G., Vargas, R. 2018. Comparing ecosystem and soil respiration: Review and key challenges of tower-based and soil measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 249, 434-443. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.10.028

Biederman, J. A., Scott, R. L., Bell, T. W., Bowling, D. R., Dore, S., Garatuza-Payan, J., Kolb, T. E., Krishnan, P., Krofcheck, D. J., Litvak, M. E., Maurer, G. E., Meyers, T. P., Oechel, W. C., Papuga, S. A., Ponce-Campos, G. E., Rodriguez, J. C., Smith, W. K., Vargas, R., Watts, C. J., Yepez, E. A., Goulden, M. L. 2017. CO 2 exchange and evapotranspiration across dryland ecosystems of southwestern North America. Global Change Biology. 23(10), 4204-4221. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13686

Castro, A., Martinez-Osuna, J. F., Michel, R., Escoto-Rodriguez, M., Bullock, S. H., Cueva, A., Lopez-Reyes, E., Reimer, J., Salazar, M., Villarreal, S., Vargas, R. 2017. A low-cost modular data-acquisition system for monitoring biometeorological variables. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 141, 357-371. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2017.08.010

Cueva, A., Bullock, S. H., Lopez-Reyes, E., Vargas, R. 2017. Potential bias of daily soil CO2 efflux estimates due to sampling time. Scientific Reports. 7(1). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-11849-y

FAO, and ITPS. 2015. Status of the World’s Soil Resources (SWSR) – Main Report. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, Rome, Italy. ISBN: 978-92-5-109004-6

Hengl, T., Mendes de Jesus, J., Heuvelink, G. B. M., Ruiperez Gonzalez, M., Kilibarda, M., Blagotic, A., Shangguan, W., Wright, M. N., Geng, X., Bauer-Marschallinger, B., Guevara, M. A., Vargas, R., MacMillan, R. A., Batjes, N. H., Leenaars, J. G. B., Ribeiro, E., Wheeler, I., Mantel, S., Kempen, B. 2017. SoilGrids250m: Global gridded soil information based on machine learning. PLOS ONE. 12(2), e0169748. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169748

Paz, F., and J. Wong, editors. 2015. Estado Actual del Conocimiento del Ciclo del Carbono y sus Interacciones en México: Síntesis a 2014. Serie Síntesis Nacionales., Texcoco, Estado de Mexico, Mexico. ISBN: 978-607-96490-2-9.

Paz, F., J. Wong, and R. Torres, editors. 2015. Estado Actual del Conocimiento del Ciclo del Carbono y sus Interacciones en México: Síntesis a 2015. Serie Síntesis Nacionales, Texcoco, Estado de México, México. ISBN: 978-607-96490-3-6

Programa de Investigación en Cambio Climático (PICC) (2015) Reporte Mexicano de Cambio Climático. Grupo I: Bases Científicas, Modelos y Modelación. (Mexican Report on Climate Change. Group I: Scientific Bases, Models and Modeling). Contributing author for the 7th chapter entitled “Ciclos Biogeoquímicos” (Biogeochemical cycles). ISBN: 978-607-02-7522-7.

Soriano-Luna, M., Angeles-Perez, G., Guevara, M., Birdsey, R., Pan, Y., Vaquera-Huerta, H., Valdez-Lazalde, J., Johnson, K., Vargas, R. 2018. Determinants of Above-Ground Biomass and Its Spatial Variability in a Temperate Forest Managed for Timber Production. Forests. 9(8), 490. DOI: 10.3390/f9080490

Vargas R, Yépez EA, Andrade JL, Angeles G, Arredondo T, Castellanos AE, Delgado-Balbuena J, Garatuza-Payan J, González del Castillo E, Oechel W, Rodriguez JC, Sánchez-Azofeifa A, Velasco E, Vivoni ER, Watts C (2013) Progress and challenges for measurements of water and greenhouse gas fluxes in Mexican ecosystems: MexFlux. Atmosfera. 26(3):325-336

Vargas, R., Alcaraz-Segura, D., Birdsey, R., Brunsell, N. A., Cruz-Gaistardo, C. O., de Jong, B., Etchevers, J., Guevara, M., Hayes, D. J., Johnson, K., Loescher, H. W., Paz, F., Ryu, Y., Sanchez-Mejia, Z., Toledo-Gutierrez, K. P. 2017. Enhancing interoperability to facilitate implementation of REDD+: case study of Mexico. Carbon Management. 8(1), 57-65. DOI: 10.1080/17583004.2017.1285177

Vargas, R., Alin, S., Shrestha, G. 2015. Integrating Carbon Cycle Research into Decision-Making Processes. Eos. 96. DOI: 10.1029/2015EO037893

Villarreal, S., Vargas, R., Yepez, E. A., Acosta, J. S., Castro, A., Escoto-Rodriguez, M., Lopez, E., Martinez-Osuna, J., Rodriguez, J. C., Smith, S. V., Vivoni, E. R., Watts, C. J. 2016. Contrasting precipitation seasonality influences evapotranspiration dynamics in water-limited shrublands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 121(2), 494-508. DOI: 10.1002/2015JG003169

Milne, E., Banwart, S. A., Noellemeyer, E., Abson, D. J., Ballabio, C., Bampa, F., Bationo, A., Batjes, N. H., Bernoux, M., Bhattacharyya, T., Black, H., Buschiazzo, D. E., Cai, Z., Cerri, C. E., Cheng, K., Compagnone, C., Conant, R., Coutinho, H. L., de Brogniez, D., Balieiro, F. D. C., Duffy, C., Feller, C., Fidalgo, E. C., da Silva, C. F., Funk, R., Gaudig, G., Gicheru, P. T., Goldhaber, M., Gottschalk, P., Goulet, F., Goverse, T., Grathwohl, P., Joosten, H., Kamoni, P. T., Kihara, J., Krawczynski, R., La Scala, N., Lemanceau, P., Li, L., Li, Z., Lugato, E., Maron, P., Martius, C., Melillo, J., Montanarella, L., Nikolaidis, N., Nziguheba, G., Pan, G., Pascual, U., Paustian, K., Pineiro, G., Powlson, D., Quiroga, A., Richter, D., Sigwalt, A., Six, J., Smith, J., Smith, P., Stocking, M., Tanneberger, F., Termansen, M., van Noordwijk, M., van Wesemael, B., Vargas, R., Victoria, R. L., Waswa, B., Werner, D., Wichmann, S., Wichtmann, W., Zhang, X., Zhao, Y., Zheng, J., Zheng, J. 2015. Soil carbon, multiple benefits. Environmental Development. 13, 33-38. DOI: 10.1016/j.envdev.2014.11.005

Dai, Z., Birdsey, R. A., Johnson, K. D., Dupuy, J. M., Hernandez-Stefanoni, J. L., Richardson, K. 2014. Modeling Carbon Stocks in a Secondary Tropical Dry Forest in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 225(4). DOI: 10.1007/s11270-014-1925-x

Biederman, J. A., Scott, R. L., Goulden, M. L., Vargas, R., Litvak, M. E., Kolb, T. E., Yepez, E. A., Oechel, W. C., Blanken, P. D., Bell, T. W., Garatuza-Payan, J., Maurer, G. E., Dore, S., Burns, S. P. 2016. Terrestrial carbon balance in a drier world: the effects of water availability in southwestern North America. Global Change Biology. 22(5), 1867-1879. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13222

Reimer, J. J., Cueva, A., Gaxiola-Castro, G., Lara-Lara, R., Vargas, R. 2016. Random error analysis of marine xCO2 measurements in a coastal upwelling region. Progress in Oceanography. 143, 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2016.02.003

Reimer, J. J., Vargas, R., Rivas, D., Gaxiola-Castro, G., Hernandez-Ayon, J. M., Lara-Lara, R. 2015. Sea Surface Temperature Influence on Terrestrial Gross Primary Production along the Southern California Current. PLOS ONE. 10(4), e0125177. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125177

Rodriguez-Robles, U., Arredondo, J. T., Huber-Sannwald, E., Vargas, R. 2015. Geoecohydrological mechanisms couple soil and leaf water dynamics and facilitate species coexistence in shallow soils of a tropical semiarid mixed forest. New Phytologist. 207(1), 59-69. DOI: 10.1111/nph.13344

Vargas, R., Paz, F., de Jong, B. 2014. Quantification of forest degradation and belowground carbon dynamics: ongoing challenges for monitoring, reporting and verification activities for REDD+. Carbon Management. 4(6), 579-582. DOI: 10.4155/cmt.13.63

Birdsey, R., Angeles-Perez, G., Kurz, W. A., Lister, A., Olguin, M., Pan, Y., Wayson, C., Wilson, B., Johnson, K. 2014. Approaches to monitoring changes in carbon stocks for REDD+. Carbon Management. 4(5), 519-537. DOI: 10.4155/cmt.13.49

Leon, E., Vargas, R., Bullock, S., Lopez, E., Panosso, A. R., La Scala, N. 2014. Hot spots, hot moments, and spatio-temporal controls on soil CO2 efflux in a water-limited ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 77, 12-21. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.05.029

Cueva, A., Bahn, M., Litvak, M., Pumpanen, J., Vargas, R. 2015. A multisite analysis of temporal random errors in soil CO2efflux. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 120(4), 737-751. DOI: 10.1002/2014JG002690

King, A. W., Andres, R. J., Davis, K. J., Hafer, M., Hayes, D. J., Huntzinger, D. N., de Jong, B., Kurz, W. A., McGuire, A. D., Vargas, R., Wei, Y., West, T. O., Woodall, C. W. 2015. North America's net terrestrial CO<sub>2</sub> exchange with the atmosphere 1990-2009. Biogeosciences. 12(2), 399-414. DOI: 10.5194/bg-12-399-2015

Banwart, S., Black, H., Cai, Z., Gicheru, P., Joosten, H., Victoria, R., Milne, E., Noellemeyer, E., Pascual, U., Nziguheba, G., Vargas, R., Bationo, A., Buschiazzo, D., de-Brogniez, D., Melillo, J., Richter, D., Termansen, M., van Noordwijk, M., Goverse, T., Ballabio, C., Bhattacharyya, T., Goldhaber, M., Nikolaidis, N., Zhao, Y., Funk, R., Duffy, C., Pan, G., la Scala, N., Gottschalk, P., Batjes, N., Six, J., van Wesemael, B., Stocking, M., Bampa, F., Bernoux, M., Feller, C., Lemanceau, P., Montanarella, L. 2014. Benefits of soil carbon: report on the outcomes of an international scientific committee on problems of the environment rapid assessment workshop. Carbon Management. 5(2), 185-192. DOI: 10.1080/17583004.2014.913380

Archived Data Citations: Villarreal, S., R. Vargas, A. Yepez, S. Acosta, A. Castro, M. Escoto-Rodriguez, E. Lopez, J. Martinez-Osuna, J.C. Rodriguez, S.V. Smith, E.R. Vivoni, and C.J. Watts. 2016. CMS: Evapotranspiration and Meteorology, Water-Limited Shrublands, Mexico, 2008-2010. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. DOI: 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1309

Reimer, J.J., R. Vargas, D. Rivas, G. Gaxiola-Castro, J.M. Hernandez-Ayon, and R. Lara-Lara. 2016. CMS: MODIS GPP, fPAR, and SST, and ENSO Index, Baja California, Mexico, 2000-2013. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. DOI: 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1310

Vargas, R., and E. Leon. 2015. CMS: Soil CO2 Efflux and Properties, Site Vegetation Measurements, Mexico, 2011-2012. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. DOI: 10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1298

5th NACP All-Investigators Meeting Posters (2015):
  • Network of Intensive Carbon Monitoring Sites in Mexico: Multi-institutional collaboration to support Mexico’s national MRV/REDD+ systems and North American carbon cycle research -- (Richard Birdsey, Craig Wayson, Marcela Olguin, Gregorio Ángeles-Pérez, Vanessa Maldonado, David Lopez, Juan Manuel Dupuy, José Arreola, Ligia Esparza, Enrique Serrano, Juan Pablo Caamal, Benjamín Méndez, Gonzalo Sánchez, Oswaldo Carrillo) [abstract]   [poster]
  • Leaning in to La Encrucijada Chiapas mangroves’: NPP from ground measurements and MODIS -- (Zulia Mayari Sánchez-Mejía, Alma Delia Vázquez-Lule, Cristian Tovilla, Rene Colditz, Rodrigo Vargas) [abstract]   [poster]
  • Carbon cycle dynamics of the Mexican tropical dry forest within the North American monsoon region. -- (Enrico A Yepez, Jaime Garatuza-Payan, Juan I Gamez-Badouin, Marco A Gonzalez-Pelayo, Miguel A Rivera, Luis A. Mendez-Barrozo, Agustin Robles-Morua, Tonantzin Tarin, Joseline Benitez-Lopez, Kristofer Johnson, Rodrigo Vargas, Richard Birdsey) [abstract]   [poster]
  • Network of Intensive Monitoring Sites in Mexico: soil physical properties to improve carbon modeling -- (Kristofer Johnson, Vanessa Maldonado, Gregorio Ángeles-Pérez, Juan Manuel Dupuy Rada, David López Merlín, José Arreola Palacios, Sebastian Puc, Carlos Robles, Gonzalo Sánchez, Juan Pablo Caamal Sosa, Manuela Tamayo, Craig Wayson, Enrico Yépez) [abstract]
  • Carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes in two contrasting mangrove ecosystems in northwest Mexico -- (Martha Lucia Vargas, Julio Cesar Rodriguez, Enrico Arturo Yepez, Christopher John Watts, Jaime Garatuza) [abstract]   [poster]
  • Use of carbon accounting models as integrative frameworks to support MRV/REDD+ systems: lessons learned from a multi-institutional collaboration effort in Mexico -- (Marcela I. Olguin, Werner A. Kurz, Craig A. Wayson, Rich Birdsey, Max Fellows, Karen Richardson, Gregorio Ángeles, Vanessa Maldonado, David López-Merlin, Vanessa Silva, Oswaldo Carrillo, David Greenberg, Zhaohua Dai) [abstract]
  • Network of Intensive Carbon Monitoring Sites in Mexico: Forest management under REDD+, is it a feasible mitigation option? -- (Gregorio Ángeles-Pérez, Benjamin Mendez-López, María de los Angeles Soriano-Luna, Francisca Ofelia Plascencia-Escalante, Richard Birdsey, José René Valdez-Lazalde) [abstract]
  • Vulnerability of ecosystem fluxes to Extreme Climatic Events in Western North America: synthesis project of biosphere-atmosphere interactions to integrate environmental network data of Mexico-USA region -- (Aline Jaimes, Rodrigo Vargas) [abstract]