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Quantifying fossil and biospheric CO2 fluxes in California using ground-based and satellite observations

Marc Fischer, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, (Presenter)
Heather Graven, Imperial College London,
Ralph Keeling, UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
Christian Frankenberg, Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech,
Tom Guilderson, Center for AMS,
Seongeun Jeong, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab,
Nick Parazoo, UCLA,
Bill Callahan, Earth Networks,
Ying Hsu, California Air Resources Board,
John Miller, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory,
Tim Lueker, UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
Sally Newman, Caltech,
Brian LaFranchi, Sandia National Laboratory,
Hope Michelson, Sandia National Laboratory,
Ray Bambha, Sandia National Laboratory,

We report progress on the development of a prototype data collection and analysis system to leverage remote sensed data from the OCO-2 satellite and provide regional fossil and biosphere CO2 fluxes and state-annual evaluation of fossil CO2 emissions inventories in California. In the first year of the project, we have developed and deployed a flask sampling network encompassing 10 collaborative tower measurement sites across California. We performed a field campaign to collect air samples every three days for the month of May, 2014 and started a second campaign covering October 15 to November 14, 2014. We also began a pseudo-data modeling experiment that evaluates the potential to estimate fossil CO2 emissions using only radiocarbon-derived fossil fuel CO2 concentration measured in flask samples, and later the potential to estimate both fossil and biosphere CO2 fluxes using the OCO-2 column CO2 retrievals supplemented by flask sampling and in situ total CO2 measurements. Initial results from the flask-only pseudo-data experiment suggest that sub-weekly sampling at the towers included in this experiment might be expected to yield a posterior uncertainty in monthly mean state-total fossil fuel CO2 emissions comparable to or better than those provided by bottom-up inventory approaches.

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