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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA's Carbon Monitoring System

NASA's Carbon Monitoring System

Carbon Dixoide

2014 NASA CMS Science Team Meeting Agenda with Presentations

Nov. 12 - Nov. 14, 2014
DoubleTree Hotel, Bethesda, MD

Wednesday, November 12

Welcome from NASA HQ - Diane Wickland, Ken Jucks .pptx
Applications Workshop Agenda .pdf

Thursday, November 13

  1. Update on NASA perspective and goals
  2. Presentation and assessment of CMS (2012 and 2013 projects) Science Team Results
  3. Introduction of new CMS (2014 projects) team members and projects
  4. Advance and share working group progress
  5. Development and prioritization of science team goals and action items for 2014-2015
8:30AM Welcome - Peter Griffith oral
8:35AM HQ Perspective - Diane Wickland, Ken Jucks .pptx
8:45AM CMS Science Team - George Hurtt .pptx
9:00AM 2012 Project Reports (3 parallel sessions)  
  Session 1
9:00 North American Regional-Scale Flux Estimation and Observing System Design for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System - Arlyn Andrews .pptx
9:15 High Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: A CMS Phase 2 Study - Ralph Dubayah .pptx
9:30 Use of GOSAT, TES, and Suborbital Observations to Constrain North American Methane Emissions in the Carbon Monitoring System - Daniel Jacob .pptx
9:45 Development of Observational Products and Coupled Models of Land-Ocean-Atmospheric Fluxes in the Mississippi River Watershed and Gulf of Mexico in Support of Carbon Monitoring - Steve Lohrenz .pptx
10:00 Estimating Global Inventory-Based Net Carbon Exchange from Agricultural Lands for Use in the NASA Flux Pilot Study - Julie Wolf .pptx
10:15 In Situ CO2-Based Evaluation of the Carbon Monitoring System Flux Product - John Miller .pdf
Session 2 9:00 Continuation of the Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project - Kevin Bowman .pptx
9:15 Integrating and Expanding a Regional Carbon Monitoring System into the NASA CMS - Robert Kennedy .pptx
9:30 GEOS-CARB: A Framework for Monitoring Carbon Concentrations and Fluxes  - Lesley Ott .pptx
9:45 Towards a 4D-Var Approach for Estimation of Air-Sea Carbon Dioxide Fluxes  - Dimitris Menemenlis .pdf
10:00 Reduction in Bottom-Up Land Surface CO2 Flux Uncertainty in NASA's Carbon Monitoring System Flux Project through Systematic Multi-Model Evaluation and Infrastructure Development  - Kevin Bowman and Debbie Huntzinger .pptx
Session 3 9:00 Development of Regional Fire Emissions Products for NASA's Carbon Monitoring System using the Wildland Fire Emissions Information System - Michael Billmire .ppt
9:15 Spatially Explicit Sources and Sinks of Carbon from Deforestation, Reforestation, Growth and Degradation in the Tropics: Development of a Method and a 10 Year Data Set 2000-2010 - Alessandro Baccini .pdf
9:30 Prototyping MRV Systems Based on Systematic and Spatial Estimates of Carbon Stock and Stock Changes of Forestlands - Steve Hagen .pptx
9:45 A Global Forest Biomass Inventory Based upon GLAS Lidar Data - Chris Woodall .pptx
10:00 The Forest Disturbance Carbon Tracking System -- A CMS Pilot Project - Tatiana Loboda .pptx
10:30AM Break
10:45AM Working Groups Progress Reports

Biomass-Flux - Jim Collatz
Algorithm Assessment/Inter-comparisons - Cristina Milesi .pptx
Uncertainties - Robert Kennedy .pptx
Atmospheric Validation - Heather Graven .pptx
MRV - Richard Birdsey .pptx
System Framework - Kevin Bowman .pptx
External Communications - Molly Brown .pptx
Data Management - Kathy Hibbard .pptx
12:30PM Lunch and Poster Session on 2012 Projects
2:00PM Working Group Breakout Session 1 Grand Ballroom C/D - Atmospheric Validation   
Lavender Room - Uncertainties
Juniper Room - Biomass-Flux
Jasmine Room - Data Management
3:30PM Break
4:00PM Working Group Breakout Session 2 Grand Ballroom C/D - System Framework
Lavender Room - External Communications
Juniper Room - MRV
Jasmine Room - Algorithm Assessment/Inter-comparisons
5:30PM Summary Discussion
6:00PM Adjourn

Friday, November 14

8:30AM Project Support - Peter Griffith
9:00AM 2013 Project Reports (3 parallel sessions)
Session 1 9:00 Applications of the NASA Carbon Monitoring System: Engagement, Use, and Evaluation - Molly Brown .pptx
9:15 Improving and extending CMS land surface carbon flux products including estimates of uncertainties in fluxes and biomass - Jim Collatz .pptx
9:30 Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information - Riley Duren .pptx
9:45 Carbon Monitoring of Agricultural Lands: Developing a Globally Consistent Estimate of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes - Julie Wolf .pptx
10:00 Quantification of the sensitivity of NASA CMS Flux inversions to uncertainty in atmospheric transport - Thomas Lauvaux .pdf
Session 2 9:00 Filling a Critical Gap in Indonesia's National Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Capabilities for Supporting REDD+ Activities: Incorporating, Quantifying and Locating Fire Emissions from Within Tropical Peat-swamp Forests - Mark Cochrane .pptx
9:15 Development of a Prototype MRV System to Support Carbon Ecomarket Infrastructure in Sonoma County - Ralph Dubayah .ppt
9:30 Quantifying fossil and biospheric CO2 fluxes in California using ground-based and satellite observations - Heather Graven .pdf
9:45 A data assimilation approach to quantify uncertainty for estimates of biomass stocks and changes in Amazon forests - Paul Duffy .pptx
10:00 A Joint USFS-NASA Pilot Project to Estimate Forest Carbon Stocks in Interior Alaska by Integrating Field, Airborne and Satellite Data - Doug Morton .pptx
10:15 A framework for carbon monitoring and upscaling in forests across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+ - Richard Birdsey .pptx
Session 3 9:00 An Historically Consistent and Broadly Applicable MRV System Based on Lidar Sampling and Landsat Time-series (Tested in the US, and applied to the US NGHGI reporting system) - Warren Cohen .pptx
9:15 Off-the-shelf Commercial Compact Solar FTS for CO2 and CH4 Observations for MRV - Manvendra Dubey .pptx
9:30 Operational multi-sensor design for national scale forest carbon monitoring to support REDD+ MRV systems - Steve Hagen .pptx
9:45 Time Series Fusion of Optical and Radar Imagery for Improved Monitoring of Activity Data, and Uncertainty Analysis of Emission Factors for Estimation of Forest Carbon Flux - Oliver Cartus .ppt
10:00 Prototype Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System for the Regional Scale: The Boston-DC Corridor - Thomas Nehrkorn .pdf
10:15 Developing Statistically Rigorous Sampling Design and Analysis Methods to Reduce and Quantify Uncertainties Associated with Carbon Monitoring Systems - Steve Stehman .pptx
10:45AM Break
11:00AM 2014 Project Reports (3 parallel sessions)
    11:00 Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System - Arlyn Andrews .pptx
11:05 A Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Data Assimilation System for Carbon Flux Monitoring and Verification - David Baker .pptx
11:10 Continuation of the CMS-Flux Pilot Project - Kevin Bowman .pptx
11:15 Total Carbon Estimation in African Mangroves and Coastal Wetlands in Preparation for REDD and Blue Carbon Credits - Lola Fatoyinbo .pptx
11:20 Reducing Uncertainties in Satellite-Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates Using a High Resolution Forest Cover Map - Cristina Milesi .pptx
11:25 Reducing Uncertainties in Estimating California's Forest Carbon Stocks - Jonathan Greenberg .pptx
11:30 Prototyping A Methodology To Develop Regional-Scale Forest Aboveground Biomass Carbon Maps Predicted From Landsat Time Series, Trained From Field and Lidar Data Collections, And Independently Validated With FIA Data - Robert Kennedy .pptx
11:35 High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continuing Prototype Development and Deployment - George Hurtt .pptx
11:40 High-Resolution Constraints on North American and Global Methane Sources Using Satellites - Daniel Jacob .pptx
11:45 An Integrated Terrestrial-Coastal Ocean Observation and Modeling Framework for Carbon Management Decision Support – Steve Lohrenz .pptx
11:50 Long-Term Carbon Consequences of Amazon Forest Degradation - Doug Morton .pptx
11:55 GEOS-Carb II: Delivering Carbon Flux and Concentration Products Based on the GEOS Modeling System - Lesley Ott .pdf
12:00 Direct Measurement of Aboveground Carbon Dynamics in Support of Large-Area CMS Development – Wayne Walker .pptx
12:05 Translating Forest Change to Carbon Emissions/Removals Linking Disturbance Products, Biomass Maps, and Carbon Cycle Modeling in a Comprehensive Carbon Monitoring Framework - Christopher Williams oral
12:10 Linking Satellite and Soil Data to Validate Coastal Wetland 'Blue Carbon' Inventories: Upscaled Support for Developing MRV and REDD+ Protocols - Lisamarie Windham-Myers .pptx
12:30PM Lunch and Poster Session on 2013 and 2014 Projects
2:00PM Working Groups Plenary Report Back /Future Plans Biomass-Flux - Jim Collatz
Algorithm Assessment/Inter-comparisons - Cristina Milesi .pptx
Uncertainties - Robert Kennedy .pptx
Atmospheric Validation - Heather Graven .pptx
MRV - Richard Birdsey oral
System Framework - Kevin Bowman .pptx
External Communications - Molly Brown .pptx
Data Management - Kathy Hibbard .pptx
3:30PM Break
4:00PM Summary Discussion
5:30PM Science Team Leader and HQ Reflection
6:00PM Adjourn











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