CMS Biomass Pilot
The Biomass Pilot utilized satellite data, data from advanced airborne sensors, and new in situ field data to demonstrate an ability to produce improved quantitative estimates, with reduced uncertainties, of aboveground terrestrial vegetation biomass and carbon stocks at local to regional-scales (i.e., county/state) for selected regions. For both national and regional/local estimates, it developed and evaluated methodologies for aggregating to project, county, state, and federal levels and assessed the ability of these results to meet the nation's need for monitoring carbon storage / sequestration. The Biomass Pilot developed and evaluated a new model-data fusion approach to assess changes in carbon stocks over multi-year periods.
The Biomass Pilot was divided into two efforts, the National Biomass Product and the Local-scale Biomass Product. Each worked simultaneously to provide geospatially explicit, consistent estimates of aboveground terrestrial vegetation biomass and carbon storage for the US.
National Biomass Product
- Personnel from NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), NASA Ames Research Center (ARC), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), the US Forest Service and Colorado State University worked collaboratively on this effort.
- Data acquired by ALOS PALSAR, then JAXA EORC processes special K&C slant range image strips, which are thousands of km long, rather than image frames.
- Data orthorectified using the SRTM DEM, and apply radiometric corrections are applied, including radiometric terrain correction.
- Orthorectified images are assembled into image mosaics.
- Preliminary maps are available.
Local-scale Biomass Product:
- Personnel from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), University of Maryland and the US Forest Service worked collaboratively on this effort.
- Four Study Sites were identified for year one, each with historical field and remote sensing data available and each amenable to updating of in situ and remotely sensed data.
- Sites were chosen to represent a range of forest stand types and ages.
- Preliminary maps are available.
Biomass Data:
Biomass Pilot Profile:
For additional information see: