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CMS Archived and Available Data Products

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Archived Data Products: (180)

  • Archived data are final products that have been published in an official archive. They are available for download with associated documentation and should be cited when used.
Product Title   (click to view product) Project(s) Status
Boreal Arctic Wetland Methane Emissions, 2002-2021 Zhu (CMS 2020)Archived
Jul 2024
Aboveground Biomass Estimates for Salt Marsh for the Contiguous United States, 2020 Fatoyinbo (CMS 2016)Archived
Jun 2024
Classification of Global Forests for IPCC Aboveground Biomass Tier 1 Estimates, 2020 Duncanson (CMS 2022)Archived
Jun 2024
BlueFlux: Dissolved Carbon and Greenhouse Gases Poulter (CMS 2020)Archived
Apr 2024
CMS-Flux-NA Fluxes and Aircraft CO2 Co-samples for 2018-2019 Davis (CMS 2020)Archived
Apr 2024
Soil Organic Carbon and Wetland Intrinsic Potential, Hoh River Watershed, WA, 2012-13 Moskal (CMS 2018)Archived
Apr 2024
Satellite-Derived Forest Extent Likelihood Map for Mexico Vargas (CMS 2020)Archived
Mar 2024
BlueFlux Airborne Trace Gases, Fluxes, and Mixing Ratios, Southern Florida, 2022-2023 Poulter (CMS 2020)Archived
Mar 2024
NASMo-TiAM 250m 16-day North America Surface Soil Moisture Dataset Vargas (CMS 2020)Archived
Mar 2024
Pantropical Forest Height and Biomass from GEDI and TanDEM-X Data Fusion Dubayah (CMS 2018)Archived
Feb 2024
Global Wetland Methane Emissions derived from FLUXNET and the UpCH4 Model, 2001-2018 Zhu (CMS 2020)Archived
Jan 2024
Global Forest Aboveground Carbon Stocks and Fluxes from GEDI and ICESat-2, 2018-2021 Hurtt (CMS 2020)Archived
Aug 2023
Ecosys Model-Estimated Cropland Carbon Fluxes, Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa, 2001-2018 Guan (CMS 2016)Archived
Jul 2023
CMS GOSAT and ObsPack L4 Top-down yearly methane emissions for individual sectors at 0.5x0.625 degrees for North America V1 (CMS_GO_CH4_SEC_TDYC_NA) Jacob (CMS 2020)Archived
Apr 2023
SIF and Vegetation Indices in the US Midwestern Agroecosystems, 2016-2021 Guan (CMS 2016)Archived
Mar 2023
Tree Cover Estimates at 30 m Resolution for Mexico, 2016-2018 Vargas (CMS 2016)
Vargas (CMS 2020)
Feb 2023
Fire Particulate Emissions from Combined VIIRS and AHI Data for Indonesia, 2015-2020 Cochrane (CMS 2015)Archived
Jan 2023
Global Salt Marsh Change, 2000-2019 Fatoyinbo (CMS 2016)Archived
Dec 2022
Forest Inventory and Biophysical Measurements, Brazilian Amazon, 2009-2018 Morton (CMS 2014)Archived
Oct 2022
Blue Carbon-based Natural Climate Solutions, Priority Maps for the U.S., 2006-2011 Holmquist (CMS 2018)Archived
Oct 2022
CMS: Tree Canopy Cover at 0.5-meter resolution, Vermont, 2016 Dubayah (CMS 2011)
Hurtt (CMS 2016)
Sep 2022
Ocean Biogeochemistry from Gliders as part of the Gulf of Maine North Atlantic Time Series Mitchell (CMS 2018)Archived
Aug 2022
CMS: Daily Gross Primary Productivity over CONUS from TROPOMI SIF, 2018-2021 Lin (CMS 2018)Archived
Apr 2022
CMS: Vegetative Lifeform Cover from Landsat SR for CONUS, 1984-2018 Greenberg (CMS 2014)Archived
Mar 2022
Methane and Ethane Observations for Boston, MA, 2012-2020 Nehrkorn (CMS 2015)Archived
Mar 2022
Forest Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Sequestration Potential, Northeastern USA Hurtt (CMS 2016)Archived
Mar 2022
Global Mangrove Loss Extent, Land Cover Change, and Loss Drivers, 2000-2016 Fatoyinbo (CMS 2016)Archived
Mar 2022
CarbonTracker-Lagrange North America GOSAT Vertical Profile of Footprints V1 (CMS_CTL_NA_GOSAT_FOOTPRINTS) Andrews (CMS 2016)Archived
Jan 2022
CarbonTracker-Lagrange North America OCO-2 Vertical Profile of Footprints V1 (CMS_CTL_NA_OCO2_FOOTPRINTS) Andrews (CMS 2016)Archived
Jan 2022
CarbonTracker-Lagrange North America TCCON Vertical Profile of Footprints V1 (CMS_CTL_NA_TCCON_FOOTPRINTS) Andrews (CMS 2016)Archived
Jan 2022
CarbonTracker-Lagrange South America OCO-2 Vertical Profile of Footprints V1 (CMS_CTL_SA_OCO2_FOOTPRINTS) Andrews (CMS 2016)Archived
Jan 2022
Carbon Pools across CONUS using the MaxEnt Model, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2016, and 2017 Saatchi (CMS 2015)Archived
Dec 2021
Global Gridded 1-km Soil and Soil Heterotrophic Respiration Derived from SRDB v5 Vargas (CMS 2020)Archived
Dec 2021
MODIS-based GPP, PAR, fC4, and SANIRv estimates from SLOPE for CONUS, 2000-2019 Guan (CMS 2016)Archived
Dec 2021
Soil Organic Carbon Distributions in Tidal Wetlands of the Northeastern USA Vargas (CMS 2020)Archived
Dec 2021
Resilience of Coastal Wetlands to Sea Level Rise, CONUS, 1996-2100 Holmquist (CMS 2018)Archived
Nov 2021
Global Gas Flare Survey by Infrared Imaging, VIIRS Nightfire, 2012-2019 Elvidge (CMS 2015)Archived
Oct 2021
CMS: Forest Aboveground Biomass from FIA Plots across the Conterminous USA, 2009-2019 Healey (CMS 2016)Archived
Sep 2021
CMS: Global 0.5-deg Wetland Methane Emissions and Uncertainty (WetCHARTs v1.3.1) Jacob (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2021
CLM5-DART Regional Carbon Fluxes and Stocks over the Western US, 1998-2010 Lin (CMS 2015)
Lin (CMS 2018)
Jul 2021
Global methane fluxes optimized with GOSAT data for 2010-2018 V1 (CMSGCH4F) Jacob (CMS 2016)Archived
Jul 2021
High-resolution mean North American methane fluxes for 2010-2015 optimized with GOSAT satellite data V1 (CMS_HR_MNA_CH4_FLUX) Jacob (CMS 2016)Archived
Jul 2021
CMS: Terrestrial Carbon Stocks, Emissions, and Fluxes for Conterminous US, 2001-2016 Saatchi (CMS 2011)Archived
Jun 2021
Greenness Trends and Carbon Stocks of Mangrove Forests Across Mexico, 2001-2015 Vargas (CMS 2016)Archived
Jun 2021
LiDAR Derived Biomass, Canopy Height, and Cover for New England Region, USA, 2015 Dubayah (CMS 2011)
Hurtt (CMS 2014)
Hurtt (CMS 2016)
Jun 2021
Relative Tidal Marsh Elevation Maps with Uncertainty for Conterminous USA, 2010 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Jun 2021
Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes from the NFCMS, Conterminous USA, 1990-2010 Kennedy (CMS 2015)
Williams (CMS 2014)
May 2021
SiB4 Modeled Global 0.5-Degree Daily Carbon Fluxes and Pools, 2000-2018 Bowman (CMS 2011)Archived
Apr 2021
SiB4 Modeled Global 0.5-Degree Hourly Carbon Fluxes and Productivity, 2000-2018 Bowman (CMS 2011)Archived
Apr 2021
SiB4 Modeled Global 0.5-Degree Monthly Carbon Fluxes and Pools, 2000-2018 Bowman (CMS 2011)Archived
Apr 2021
Aboveground Biomass High-Resolution Maps for Selected US Tidal Marshes, 2015 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Mar 2021
High Resolution Land Cover-Specific Solar-Induced Fluorescence, Midwestern USA, 2018 Guan (CMS 2016)Archived
Mar 2021
Land Use and Cover Maps from Landsat, Mawas, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, 1994-2019 Cochrane (CMS 2015)Archived
Mar 2021
Aboveground Biomass Change for Amazon Basin, Mexico, and Pantropical Belt, 2003-2016 Baccini (CMS 2015)
Walker (CMS 2014)
Feb 2021
CMS: Annual Estimates of Global Riverine Nitrous Oxide Emissions, 1900-2016 Friedrichs (IDS 2009)
Lohrenz (CMS 2011)
Lohrenz (CMS 2014)
Feb 2021
Digital Elevation Models for the Global Change Research Wetland, Maryland, USA, 2016 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Feb 2021
NAFD-ATT Forest Canopy Cover Loss from Landsat, CONUS, 1986-2010 Williams (CMS 2014)Archived
Nov 2020
Vulcan: High-Resolution Annual Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in USA, 2010-2015, Version 3 Duren (2013)Archived
Oct 2020
Vulcan: High-Resolution Hourly Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in USA, 2010-2015, Version 3 Duren (2013)Archived
Oct 2020
Carbon Monitoring System Carbon Flux for Fire L4 V2 (CMSFluxFire) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2020
Carbon Monitoring System Carbon Flux for Fossil Fuel Prior L4 V2 (CMSFluxFossilFuelPrior) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2020
Carbon Monitoring System Carbon Flux for Ocean Prior L4 V2 (CMSFluxOceanPrior) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2020
Carbon Monitoring System Carbon Flux from the Net Biome Exchange L4 V2 (CMSFluxNBE) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2020
Carbon Monitoring System Carbon Flux from the Net Biome Exchange Prior L4 V2 (CMSFluxNBEPrior) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2020
Carbon Monitoring System Carbon Flux Total L4 V2 (CMSFluxTotal) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2020
CMS: Landsat-derived Annual Land Cover Maps for the Colombian Amazon, 2001-2016 Olofsson (CMS 2015)Archived
Sep 2020
Gross Primary Production Maps of Tidal Wetlands across Conterminous USA, 2000-2019 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2020
Gridded inventory of Mexico's anthropogenic methane emissions Jacob (CMS 2016)Archived
Aug 2020
NEX-Gridded Daily Meteorology (NEX-GDM) land surface climate data Vargas (CMS 2016)Archived
Jun 2020
Tree and stand attributes for "A carbon monitoring system for mapping regional, annual aboveground biomass across the northwestern USA" Hudak (CMS 2014)Archived
Jun 2020
CMS: LiDAR Biomass Improved for High Biomass Forests, Sonoma County, CA, USA, 2013 Fatoyinbo (CMS 2015)Archived
Jun 2020
LiDAR Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Maps, Northwestern USA, 2002-2016 Hudak (CMS 2014)Archived
May 2020
Soil Organic Carbon Estimates for 30-cm Depth, Mexico and Conterminous USA, 1991-2011 Vargas (CMS 2016)Archived
May 2020
CMS: Pinyon-Juniper Forest Live Aboveground Biomass, Great Basin, USA, 2000-2016 Hudak (CMS 2014)Archived
Apr 2020
Soil Organic Carbon Estimates and Uncertainty at 1-m Depth across Mexico, 1999-2009 Vargas (CMS 2016)Archived
Mar 2020
Disturbance History and Forest Biomass from Landsat for Six US Sites, 1985-2014 Cohen (CMS 2013)Archived
Feb 2020
GEOS-Carb CASA-GFED 3-hourly Ecosystem Exchange Fluxes 0.5 degree x 0.625 degree V2 (GEOS_CASAGFED_3H_NEE) at GES DISC Collatz (CMS 2013)
Ott (CMS 2014)
Ott (CMS 2016)
Pawson (CMS 2011)
Feb 2020
GEOS-Carb CASA-GFED 3-hourly Ecosystem Exchange Fluxes 0.5 degree x 0.625 degree V3 (GEOS_CASAGFED_3H_NEE) at GES DISC Collatz (CMS 2013)
Ott (CMS 2014)
Ott (CMS 2016)
Pawson (CMS 2011)
Feb 2020
GEOS-Carb CASA-GFED Daily Fire and Fuel Emissions 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree V2 (GEOS_CASAGFED_D_FIRE) at GES DISC Collatz (CMS 2013)
Ott (CMS 2014)
Ott (CMS 2016)
Pawson (CMS 2011)
Feb 2020
GEOS-Carb CASA-GFED Daily Fire and Fuel Emissions 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree V3 (GEOS_CASAGFED_D_FIRE) at GES DISC Collatz (CMS 2013)
Ott (CMS 2014)
Ott (CMS 2016)
Pawson (CMS 2011)
Feb 2020
GEOS-Carb CASA-GFED Monthly Fire Fuel NPP Rh NEE Fluxes 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree V2 (GEOS_CASAGFED_M_FLUX) at GES DISC Collatz (CMS 2013)
Ott (CMS 2014)
Ott (CMS 2016)
Pawson (CMS 2011)
Feb 2020
GEOS-Carb CASA-GFED Monthly Fire Fuel NPP Rh NEE Fluxes 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree V3 (GEOS_CASAGFED_M_FLUX) at GES DISC Collatz (CMS 2013)
Ott (CMS 2014)
Ott (CMS 2016)
Pawson (CMS 2011)
Feb 2020
Export and Leaching of Carbon and Nitrogen from Mississippi River Basin, 1901-2099 Lohrenz (CMS 2011)
Lohrenz (CMS 2014)
Lohrenz (IDS 2009)
Jan 2020
Global Gridded 1-km Annual Soil Respiration and Uncertainty Derived from SRDB V3 Vargas (CMS 2016)Archived
Jan 2020
Coastal Wetland Elevation and Carbon Flux Inventory with Uncertainty, USA, 2006-2011 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Dec 2019
LiDAR Surveys over Selected Forest Research Sites, Brazilian Amazon, 2008-2018 Morton (CMS 2014)Archived
Dec 2019
Sources of Methane Emissions (Vista-CA), State of California, USA Duren (CMS 2015)Archived
Dec 2019
Annual Aboveground Biomass Maps for Forests in the Northwestern USA, 2000-2016 Hudak (CMS 2014)Archived
Nov 2019
Carbon Monitoring System Lake Huron Primary Production Monthly V1 (CMSLakeHuronPPM) at GES DISC Shuchman (CMS 2011)Archived
Nov 2019
Carbon Monitoring System Lake Huron Primary Production Yearly V1 (CMSLakeHuronPPY) at GES DISC Shuchman (CMS 2011)Archived
Nov 2019
Carbon Monitoring System Lake Michigan Primary Production Monthly V1 (CMSLakeMichiganPPM) at GES DISC Shuchman (CMS 2011)Archived
Nov 2019
Carbon Monitoring System Lake Michigan Primary Production Yearly V1 (CMSLakeMichiganPPY) at GES DISC Shuchman (CMS 2011)Archived
Nov 2019
Carbon Monitoring System Lake Superior Primary Production Monthly V1 (CMSLakeSuperiorPPM) at GES DISC Shuchman (CMS 2011)Archived
Nov 2019
Carbon Monitoring System Lake Superior Primary Production Yearly V1 (CMSLakeSuperiorPPY) at GES DISC Shuchman (CMS 2011)Archived
Nov 2019
CLM Simulated Solar-Induced Fluorescence, Niwot Ridge, Colorado, USA, 1998-2018 Lin (CMS 2015)Archived
Nov 2019
Conifer Needle Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Niwot Ridge, Colorado, USA, 2017-2018 Lin (CMS 2015)Archived
Nov 2019
Conifer Needle Pigment Composition, Niwot Ridge, Colorado, USA, 2017-2018 Lin (CMS 2015)Archived
Nov 2019
Methane Plumes Derived from AVIRIS-NG over Point Sources across California, 2016-2017 Duren (CMS 2015)Archived
Nov 2019
Annual Burned Area from Landsat, Mawas, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, 1997-2015 Cochrane (CMS 2013)
Cochrane (CMS 2015)
Cochrane (CMS 2018)
Oct 2019
Tidal Wetlands Soil Organic Carbon and Estuarine Characteristics, USA, 1972-2015 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Oct 2019
DARTE Annual On-road CO2 Emissions on a 1-km Grid, Conterminous USA, V2, 1980-2017 Nehrkorn (CMS 2013)
Nehrkorn (CMS 2015)
Sep 2019
Forest Carbon Stocks and Fluxes After Disturbance, Southeastern USA, 1990-2010 Williams (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2019
Ecosystem Functional Type Distribution Map for Mexico, 2001-2014 Vargas (CMS 2016)Archived
Aug 2019
Global Inventory of Methane Emissions from Fuel Exploitation V1 (GFEI_CH4) Jacob (CMS 2016)Archived
Jul 2019
Ocean Surface pCO2 and Air-Sea CO2 Flux in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2006-2010 Lohrenz (CMS 2014)Archived
Jun 2019
CMS: Mangrove Forest Cover Extent and Change across Major River Deltas, 2000-2016 Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014)Archived
May 2019
Global Mangrove Distribution, Aboveground Biomass, and Canopy Height Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014)
Fatoyinbo (CMS 2016)
May 2019
LiDAR and PALSAR-Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass, Paragominas, Para, Brazil, 2012 Keller (CMS 2013)Archived
May 2019
Forest Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Sequestration Potential for Maryland, USA. Dubayah (CMS 2011)
Hurtt (CMS 2014)
Hurtt (CMS 2016)
Apr 2019
CMS: Atmospheric CO2 and C Isotopes, Fossil Fuel Contributions, California, 2014-2015 Graven (CMS 2013)Archived
Mar 2019
Ecosystem Functional Type Distribution Map for the Conterminous USA, 2001-2014 Vargas (CMS 2016)Archived
Mar 2019
Soil Organic Carbon Stock Estimates with Uncertainty across Latin America Vargas (CMS 2016)Archived
Mar 2019
Aboveground Biomass, Landcover, and Degradation, Kalimantan Forests, Indonesia, 2014 Hagen (CMS 2013)Archived
Feb 2019
Global Fire Atlas with Characteristics of Individual Fires, 2003-2016 Randerson (CMS 2016)Archived
Feb 2019
Tidal Wetland Soil Carbon Stocks for the Conterminous United States, 2006-2010 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Feb 2019
Green Vegetation Fraction High-Resolution Maps for Selected US Tidal Marshes, 2015 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Dec 2018
Vegetation and Open Water High-Resolution Maps for Selected US Tidal Marshes, 2015 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Dec 2018
LiDAR Derived Biomass, Canopy Height and Cover for Tri-State (MD, PA, DE) Region, V2 Dubayah (CMS 2011)Archived
Nov 2018
CO2 Observations, Modeled Emissions, and NAM-HYSPLIT Footprints, Boston MA, 2013-2014 Nehrkorn (CMS 2013)
Nehrkorn (CMS 2015)
Sep 2018
LiDAR-Derived Aboveground Biomass and Uncertainty for California Forests, 2005-2014 Greenberg (CMS 2014)Archived
Jul 2018
Accuracy and Precision of Tidal Wetland Soil Carbon Mapping in the Conterminous United States: Public Soil Carbon Data Release Version 1 Windham-Myers (CMS 2014)Archived
Jun 2018
WRF-STILT Gridded Footprints for Boston, MA, USA, 2013-2014 Nehrkorn (CMS 2013)
Nehrkorn (CMS 2015)
May 2018
WRF-STILT Particle Trajectories for Boston, MA, USA, 2013-2014 Nehrkorn (CMS 2013)
Nehrkorn (CMS 2015)
May 2018
CMS: CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuels Combustion, ACES Inventory for Northeastern USA Nehrkorn (CMS 2013)
Nehrkorn (CMS 2015)
Apr 2018
Methane (CH4) Flux for North America L4 Daily V1 (CMS_CH4_FLX_NAD) at GES DISC Jacob (CMS 2011)Archived
Mar 2018
CMS: Fire Weather Indices for Interior Alaska, 2001-2010 Loboda (CMS 2011)Archived
Jan 2018
Sources of Methane Emissions (Vista-LA), South Coast Air Basin, California, USA Duren (CMS 2015)Archived
Jan 2018
CMS: Aboveground Biomass for Mangrove Forest, Zambezi River Delta, Mozambique Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014)Archived
Dec 2017
CMS: LiDAR Data for Mangrove Forests in the Zambezi River Delta, Mozambique, 2014 Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014)Archived
Dec 2017
CMS: Simulated Physical-Biogeochemical Data, SABGOM Model, Gulf of Mexico, 2005-2010 Lohrenz (CMS 2014)Archived
Dec 2017
CMS: Global Carbon Fluxes Associated with Livestock Feed and Emissions, 2000-2013 Asrar-West (CMS 2013)Archived
Nov 2017
CMS: LiDAR Data for Forested Sites on Borneo Island, Kalimantan, Indonesia, 2014 Hagen (CMS 2013)Archived
Oct 2017
CMS: LiDAR-derived Canopy Height, Elevation for Sites in Kalimantan, Indonesia, 2014 Hagen (CMS 2013)Archived
Oct 2017
Ocean Biogeochemistry in the California Current System 2007-2010 L4 Monthly Verdy (CMS 2011)Archived
Sep 2017
CMS: LiDAR-derived Biomass, Canopy Height and Cover, Sonoma County, California, 2013 Dubayah (CMS 2013)Archived
Aug 2017
Methane (CH4) Flux for Canadian Oil/Gas Systems L4 V1 (CMS_CH4_FLX_CA) at GES DISC Jacob (CMS 2014)Archived
Jul 2017
Methane (CH4) Flux for Mexican Oil/Gas Systems L4 V1 (CMS_CH4_FLX_MX) at GES DISC Jacob (CMS 2014)Archived
Jul 2017
CMS: Global 0.5-deg Wetland Methane Emissions and Uncertainty (WetCHARTs v1.0) Jacob (CMS 2014)Archived
Jun 2017
CMS: CO2 Signals Estimated for Fossil Fuel Emissions and Biosphere Flux, California Graven (CMS 2013)Archived
May 2017
Carbon Monitoring System Carbon Flux for Fire L4 V1 (CMSFluxFire) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2011)
Bowman (CMS 2014)
Apr 2017
Carbon Monitoring System Flux for Fossil Fuel L4 V1 (CMSFluxFossilfuel) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2011)
Bowman (CMS 2014)
Apr 2017
Carbon Monitoring System Flux for Ocean Carbon L4 V1 (CMSFluxOcean) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2011)
Bowman (CMS 2014)
Apr 2017
Carbon Monitoring System Flux for Posterior Fire Carbon L4 V1 (CMSFluxFirepost) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2011)
Bowman (CMS 2014)
Apr 2017
Carbon Monitoring System Flux for Posterior Total Carbon L4 V1 (CMSFluxTotalpost) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2011)
Bowman (CMS 2014)
Apr 2017
Carbon Monitoring System Flux for Prior Total Carbon L4 V1 (CMSFluxTotalprior) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2011)
Bowman (CMS 2014)
Apr 2017
Carbon Monitoring System Flux for Shipping, Aviation, and Chemical Sources L4 V1 (CMSFluxMISC) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2011)
Bowman (CMS 2014)
Apr 2017
Carbon Monitoring System Flux from the Net Ecosystem Exchange L4 V1 (CMSFluxNEE) at GES DISC Bowman (CMS 2011)
Bowman (CMS 2014)
Apr 2017
CMS: Mangrove Canopy Characteristics and Land Cover Change, Tanzania, 1990-2014 Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014)Archived
Mar 2017
CMS: Mangrove Canopy Height Estimates from Remote Imagery, Zambezi Delta, Mozambique Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014)Archived
Feb 2017
CMS: Hourly Carbon Dioxide Estimated Using the WRF Model, North America, 2010 Lauvaux (CMS 2013)Archived
Oct 2016
CMS: Estimated Deforested Area Biomass, Tropical America, Africa, and Asia, 2000 Houghton (CMS 2011)Archived
Oct 2016
CMS (Carbon Monitoring System) Methane (CH4) Flux for North America 0.5 degree x 0.667 degree V1 (CMS_CH4_FLX_NA) at GES DISC Jacob (CMS 2011)Archived
Oct 2016
CMS: Modeled Net Ecosystem Exchange at 3-hourly Time Steps, 2004-2010 Huntzinger (CMS 2011)Archived
Sep 2016
Global Ocean Data Analysis Project version 2 (GLODAPv2), a comprehensive data product of ocean carbon and biogeochemistry observations. Verdy (CMS 2011)Archived
Aug 2016
CMS: Mangrove Canopy Height from High-resolution Stereo Image Pairs, Mozambique, 2012 Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014)Archived
Jul 2016
CMS: LiDAR-derived Aboveground Biomass, Canopy Height and Cover for Maryland, 2011 Dubayah (CMS 2011)Archived
Jul 2016
CMS: LiDAR-derived Tree Canopy Cover for States in the Northeast USA Hurtt (CMS 2014)Archived
Jul 2016
CMS: GLAS LiDAR-derived Global Estimates of Forest Canopy Height, 2004-2008 Healey (CMS 2011)Archived
May 2016
CMS: Aboveground Biomass from Penobscot Experimental Forest, Maine, 2012 Cook (CMS 2011)Archived
May 2016
CMS: Forest Carbon Stocks, Emissions, and Net Flux for the Conterminous US: 2005-2010 Saatchi (CMS 2011)Archived
May 2016
Canopy Height and Biomass from LiDAR Surveys at La Selva, Costa Rica, 1998 and 2005 Hurtt (CMS 2014)Archived
Mar 2016
CMS: Evapotranspiration and Meteorology, Water-Limited Shrublands, Mexico, 2008-2010 Vargas (CMS 2013)Archived
Mar 2016
CMS: MODIS GPP, fPAR, and SST, and ENSO Index, Baja California, Mexico, 2000-2013 Vargas (CMS 2013)Archived
Mar 2016
Annual wildland fire emissions (WFEIS v0.5) for Conterminous US and Alaska, 2001-2013 French (CMS 2011)Archived
Feb 2016
CMS: Forest Inventory and Biophysical Measurements, Para, Brazil, 2012-2014 Keller (CMS 2013)Archived
Jan 2016
CMS: LiDAR Data for Forested Areas in Paragominas, Para, Brazil, 2012-2014 Keller (CMS 2013)Archived
Jan 2016
CMS: Soil CO2 Efflux and Properties, Site Vegetation Measurements, Mexico, 2011-2012 Vargas (CMS 2013)Archived
Nov 2015
Measurements of phytoplankton carbon Behrenfeld (NOPP 2009)Archived
Nov 2015
CMS: Atmospheric Methane Concentrations and Prior Emissions, Boston, MA, 2012-2014 Nehrkorn (CMS 2013)Archived
Oct 2015
CMS: Carbon Fluxes from Global Agricultural Production and Consumption, 2005-2011 West (CMS 2011)Archived
Jul 2015
Measurements of calcification rate (including total primary productivity) Balch (OBB 2009)Archived
Dec 2014
Measurements of coccolithophore/phytoplankton abundance Balch (OBB 2009)Archived
Dec 2014
Measurements of particulate inorganic carbon and biogenic silica concentrations Balch (OBB 2009)Archived
Dec 2014
CMS: LiDAR-derived Estimates of Aboveground Biomass at Four Forested Sites, USA Masek-Nemani-Saatchi-Tucker (2009)Archived
Oct 2014
Gulf of Mexico carbon and bio-optical measurements Lohrenz (CMS 2014)Archived
Sep 2014
CMS: Land Cover Projections (5.6-km) from GCAM v3.1 for Conterminous USA, 2005-2095 West (CMS 2011)Archived
May 2014
CMS: Forest Biomass and Productivity, 1-degree and 5-km, Conterminous US, 2005 Collatz (CMS 2013)Archived
May 2014
Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from underway - surface observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from the CAPE HATTERAS in the Gulf of Mexico from 2009-01-09 to 2010-03-21 (NCEI Accession 0115765) Lohrenz (CMS 2014)
Lohrenz (IDS 2009)
Jan 2014
Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and other variables collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from the USS BOLD in the Gulf of Mexico from 2006-06-06 to 2006-09-11 (NCEI Accession 0117493) Lohrenz (CMS 2011)
Lohrenz (CMS 2014)
Lohrenz (IDS 2009)
Jun 2012
Partial pressure (or fugacity) of carbon dioxide, salinity and SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE collected from Surface underway observations using Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyzer, Shower head chamber equilibrator for autonomous carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement and other instruments from the USS BOLD in the Gulf of Mexico from 2007-05-02 to 2007-08-24 (NCEI Accession 0117500) Lohrenz (CMS 2014)
Lohrenz (IDS 2009)
Jun 2012


Available Data Products: (106)

  • Available data are data products shared by the research team, usually from a project website. These data range from prelimlinary or intermediate products to final products and may or may not have complete associated documentation. They should be cited when used; you may need to contact the PI for preferred citation.
Product Title   (click >> to view product) Project
Measurement Sampling Footprints: 2013 - 2015 (TCCON, OCO-2, GOSAT) >> Andrews (CMS 2014) 
Spatially gridded, temporally resolved estimates of vertically resolved CO2 concentrations. >> Bowman (CMS 2011) 
Spatially gridded, temporally resolved estimates of terrestrial biospheric CO2 fluxes. >> Bowman (CMS 2011) 
Global coastal watersheds >> Carroll (CMS 2022) 
Peat Fire Scene Evaluation Method >> Cochrane (CMS 2015) 
Estimates regional and national peat-fire related emissions   >> Cochrane (CMS 2015) 
Estimates regional and national peat-fire related emissions >> Cochrane (CMS 2018) 
Forest biomass estimation using individual tree crown information >> Cook (CMS 2011) 
Total forest carbon stocksfor the Susitna-Copper River Inventory Unit of Interior Alaska >> Cook (CMS 2015) 
A record of ABL depths derived from North American rawinsonde sites for 2016-2018; posterior biospheric CO2 flux results from the CMS-Flux-NA system; CARDAMOM biogenic CO2 flux ensemble for N. America >> Davis (CMS 2020) 
Carbon Mapper that integrates multiple CMS products to support evaluation and decision support. >> Duren (2013) 
Full multi-scale methane portal >> Duren (CMS 2015) 
Evaluation of stakeholders' end uses of CMS products >> Escobar (CMS 2013) 
Translation of science language for the CMS website >> Escobar (CMS 2013) 
CMS Applications Policy Speaker Series >> Escobar (CMS 2013) 
CMS Products Fact Sheet and Application Readiness Level (ARL) figures for all 2012, 2013, and 2014 projects >> Escobar (CMS 2013) 
Applications workshops and reports >> Escobar (CMS 2013) 
CMS Products Fact Sheet and Application Readiness Level (ARL) figures for all 2012-2016 projects >> Escobar (CMS 2015) 
CMS Applications Policy Speaker Series >> Escobar (CMS 2015) 
AGB stock and error maps with associated uncertainties for Costa Rica >> Fatoyinbo (CMS 2015) 
CMS- Flux Pilot Project Surface and Column-averaged CO2 mixing ratios 2009- 2010 GEOS-5 Atmospheric General Circulation Model >> Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009) 
CMS- Flux Pilot Project Land Biosphere Fluxes 2009- 2010 CASA Ames Model >> Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009) 
CMS- Flux Pilot Project Land Biosphere Fluxes 2009- 2010 CASA GFED Model >> Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009) 
CMS- Flux Pilot Project Ocean-Atmosphere Fluxes 2003- 2012 NOBM Model >> Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009) 
CMS- Flux Pilot Project Ocean-Atmosphere Fluxes 2009- 2010 ECCO2 Model >> Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009) 
CMS- Flux Pilot Project Top-down surface flux estimation 2009- 2010 >> Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009) 
CMS- Flux Pilot Project FLUXNET Evaluation >> Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009) 
CMS- Flux Pilot Project Ocean-Atmosphere Fluxes 2009- 2010 ECCO2 Model Vers 2.1 >> Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009) 
Maps of Growing Season Indices and Methane fluxes from two wetland sites >> Holmquist (CMS 2018) 
Code Repository with tools for performing site-specific methane forecasting >> Holmquist (CMS 2018) 
Maps of a Biodiversity Index, Salinity, Sulfate and Porewater Methane Concentration, and Elevation for selected National Estuarine Research Reserve sites. >> Holmquist (CMS 2018) 
Net Primary Production (NPP), Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Lateral Carbon Loss (LCL) and Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance (NECB) 500m products for croplands in Nebraska for 2015 and 2016 >> Izaurralde (CMS 2015) 
Net Primary Production (NPP), Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), Lateral Carbon Loss (LCL) and Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance (NECB) 500m products for major crops (Corn, Soybean, Winter wheat, Spring wheat, Cotton, Sorghum, Rice, Barley, Alfalfa, and Pea) croplands in Conterminous US for 2015 and 2016 >> Izaurralde (CMS 2015) 
TROPOMI top-down estimates of methane emissions in North America >> Jacob (CMS 2020) 
Gridded inventory of Canadian anthropogenic methane emissions >> Jacob (CMS 2020) 
Initial estimates of regional scale carbon fluxes and stocks over the Western U.S. >> Lin (CMS 2015) 
Continental shelf-ocean exchanges of carbon and nitrogen >> Lohrenz (CMS 2011) 
Coastal to open ocean C exchange >> Lohrenz (IDS 2009) 
CMS Biomass Pilot Project team presentations >> Masek-Nemani-Saatchi-Tucker (2009) 
CMS- Multi-scale forest biomass maps based on multiple remote sensing inputs >> Masek-Nemani-Saatchi-Tucker (2009) 
Wetland probability map >> Moskal (CMS 2018) 
GEOS-Carb NOBM Monthly Ocean Fluxes >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - Column concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - Emissions >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - Surface concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - Column concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - 3D concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - Emissions >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb ODIAC Monthly Fossil Fuel Emissions and Uncertainty >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Uncertainty due to Transport >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - 3D concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - Surface concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2014) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - Emissions >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb ODIAC Monthly Fossil Fuel Emissions and Uncertainty >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Uncertainty due to Transport >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - 3D concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - Column concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - Emissions >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - Surface concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - Column concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - 3D concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb NOBM Monthly Ocean Fluxes >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - Surface concentrations >> Ott (CMS 2016) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Uncertainty due to Transport >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - 3D concentrations >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - Emissions >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb ODIAC Monthly Fossil Fuel Emissions and Uncertainty >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - Emissions >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - Surface concentrations >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO2 Reanalysis - Column concentrations >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - 3D concentrations >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - Column concentrations >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb NOBM Monthly Ocean Fluxes >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
GEOS-Carb Atmospheric CO Reanalysis - Surface concentrations >> Pawson (CMS 2011) 
Satellite Monitoring of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Western Basin of Lake Erie: a 20-Year Time-Series >> Sayers (CMS 2016) 
Spatial-Temporal Variability of In Situ Cyanobacteria Vertical Structure in Western Lake Erie: Implications for Remote Sensing Observations >> Sayers (CMS 2016) 
Trends in spatial and temporal variability of inherent optical properties in western Lake Erie: Implications for water quality remote sensing >> Sayers (CMS 2016) 
Light Utilization Index (LUI) for Freshwater Lakes >> Sayers (CMS 2016) 
Lake-wide primary production estimates for all five Great Lakes in the U.S. >> Shuchman (CMS 2011) 
Measurement sampling footprints >> Andrews (CMS 2011) 
CO2 flux estimates. >> Andrews (CMS 2011) 
CO2 Flux Estimates 2013-2015 >> Andrews (CMS 2014) 
InSAR phase-height-rate algorithm >> Baccini (CMS 2015) 
InSAR phase-height-rate algorithm (table) >> Baccini (CMS 2015) 
InSAR phase-height-rate algorithm (Simulation-based algorithm) >> Baccini (CMS 2015) 
Error estimates for remote sensing based products >> Baccini (CMS 2015) 
Map of phase-height and biomass change >> Baccini (CMS 2015) 
Prior and posterior net ocean and land CO2 exchanges, and fossil fuel emissions. >> Bowman (CMS 2016) 
Global maps of monthly global air-sea CO2 fluxes >> Gregg (2011) 
Updated estimates of terrestrial net CO2 fluxes inferred from the CMS inversion and informed by these new land flux priors. >> Huntzinger (CMS 2011) 
Atmospheric CO2 signals generated from 15 terrestrial biospheric models. >> Huntzinger (CMS 2011) 
Gridded National Inventory of U.S. Methane Emissions >> Jacob (CMS 2014) 
Cloud-based Integrated Methane Inversion tool >> Jacob (CMS 2020) 
Regional GHG mixing ratios and flux estimates with their statistical errors >> Kawa (CMS 2015) 
Forest biomass, land cover, tree cover, crop type, and disturbance for the continental U.S.: 1990 to present. >> Kennedy (CMS 2015) 
Source code for SIF simulations at Niwot Ridge >> Lin (CMS 2015) 
Land and ocean carbon inventories in continental US and South Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico >> Lohrenz (CMS 2011) 
Spatial patterns of carbon and other products in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Bight >> Lohrenz (CMS 2014) 
Secondary vegetation extent, age, and net carbon uptake in the Brazilian Amazon between 1985 and 2017. >> Morton (CMS 2014) 
Lidar-biomass models for intact, degraded, and secondary forests across the Brazilian Amazon >> Morton (CMS 2014) 
Estimates of degradation carbon losses from logging and fire in Amazon forests Mato Grosso Brazil >> Morton (CMS 2014) 
Spatiotemporal estimates of carbon emissions and removals resulting land change in the Colombia Amazon >> Olofsson (CMS 2015) 
Data cube of Landsat data, land cover and land cover conversion of the Colombia Amazon >> Olofsson (CMS 2015) 
Data cube of pixel-level omission and commission error probabilities of land cover conversion of the Colombia Amazon >> Olofsson (CMS 2015) 
Methodology for Mapping Parameters from the National Forest Inventory >> Vargas (CMS 2016) 
Watershed carbon yield derived from gauge observations and river network connectivity in the United States >> Zhang (CMS 2022)