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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The Carbon Benefits Project (CBP): Tools to estimate
the climate change mitigation co-­-benefits of land
management projects Monday, January 27

Recording >>

Slides [PDF]

About Our Speaker –Eleanor Milne, Modeling Component Coordinator for Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) Carbon Benefits Project, Colorado State University

For the past 13 years Dr Eleanor Milne has worked on the development  of  tools  to  estimate  the  climate  change  mitigation potential of land management activities in developing  countries.  She  coordinated  the  Global  Environment Facilities (GEF) GEFSOC project which developed  a  system  to  estimate  changes  in  soil  carbon  stocks at national and sub-­-national scale. She also coordinated the modelling component of the GEFs Carbon Benefits Project which has developed online tools to estimate the GHG impacts of land management activities. Dr  Milne  is  coordinating  CSU’s  activities  in  the  new  GEF  project  ‘Sustainable  Land  Management and Climate Change Mitigation Co-­-benefits’. She currently holds honorary  positions  at  The  University  of  Leicester,  UK  (where  she  is  based)  and  Colorado State University (CSU), USA. She has worked as a consultant, mainly through CSU on projects for CCAFS, IFAD, USAID, CARE/The World Bank and UNEP.

About the Talk

Sustainable  land  management  projects  involving  activities  such  as  afforestation,  agroforestry and changes in agricultural practices have the potential to contribute to climate change mitigation. They can impact the amount of carbon stored in soils and biomass,  and  emissions  of  greenhouse  gases  (GHG)  from  land,  fertilizers  and  livestock. Many funders and other agencies have an interest in tracking these impacts.

The GEF’s Carbon Benefits Project (CBP) has developed online tools which allow land managers  to  do  this.  The  tools  include  a  Simple  Assessment  (SA)  based  on  the  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 1 default factors and a Detailed  Assessment  (DA)  which  allows  users  to  enter  more  project  specific  Tier  2  factors. Both of these tools are aimed at project managers of land management projects.  A  third  dynamic  modelling  option  is  aimed  at  teams  with  ecosystem  modelling and GIS expertise. This presentation gives an overview of the SA and the DA and explores some data input needs.


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