Protecting mature and old-growth forests as natural climate solutions
Presentation Slides:
- Dominick A. DellaSala, Chief Scientist Wild Heritage [PDF]
About the Talk
Mature and old-growth forests (MOG) have declined globally. In the continental
USA, most MOG was logged decades ago but some regions are recovering.
President Biden announced a federal inventory of MOG last Earth Day for
conservation purposes. This presentation will showcase the nation's first ever MOG
mapping and analysis and their importance as natural climate solutions.
About the Speaker
Dr. Dominick A. DellaSala is Chief Scientist at Wild
Heritage (, and former
President of the Society for Conservation Biology,
North America Section. He is an internationally
renowned author of over 300 science papers and
books on forests, climate change, and endangered
species. Dominick has given plenary and keynote
talks ranging from academic conferences to the
United Nations (UN) Earth Summit, and international
climate change and biodiversity summits of the UN.
He has appeared in National Geographic, Science
Digest, Science Magazine, Scientific American, Time
Magazine, Audubon Magazine, National Wildlife
Magazine, High Country News, Terrain Magazine, NY Times, LA Times, USA Today,
Jim Lehrer News Hour, CNN, MSNBC, "Living on Earth (NPR)," several PBS
documentaries and even Fox News! Dominick has served on numerous
committees, including White House Council task forces on forests and the Oregon's
Global Warming Commission carbon task force reporting to the governor. He is
editor of numerous scientific journals and has published award-winning books on
climate change, forest policy, and scientific integrity. Dominick is motivated by his
work to leave a living planet for his 2 daughters, 4 grandkids and all those that
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