CMS 2024 Science Team Meeting Banner
Meeting Overview
AGU Conference Center
2000 Florida Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20009

September 17-19, 2024
Important Dates
  • Jul 17: Registration and Poster Abstract Submission Open
  • Aug 17: Hotel Room Block Deadline
  • Aug 21: Poster Abstract Submission Deadline
  • Sept 4: Notification of Poster Abstract Acceptance
Who Is Invited to Attend?

In-Person Attendance
  • Each project from the 2020 and 2022 solicitations should be represented in-person by the PI (or a delegate), a Science Team Member (STM), a stakeholder, and may also include an early career participant. This also applies to new projects awarded in 2024 if there is sufficient advance notice.
  • The PI and designated STM are expected to attend all three days in person.
  • The designated stakeholder and early career participant are encouraged to attend all three days in person.
Virtual Attendance
  • All other project members and stakeholders associated with a 2020 or 2022 project may attend virtually.
  • Update on NASA programmatic goals
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Presentation of CMS results and future plans
  • Advance and share progress of working groups & synthesis efforts
  • Discussion of science team activities for 2024-2025
Code of Conduct and Scientific Integrity
NASA HQ leadership and the staff of the Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Office are committed to providing safe, welcoming, and productive environments in the field and the lab, and at meetings and conferences, and have adopted the American Geophysical Union Meetings Code of Conduct.

This Code includes information on:
Expected behavior
Unacceptable behavior
How to report unacceptable behavior

If you have any concerns or need an ally contact: Ryan Pavlick, Peter Griffith, Laura Lorenzoni or Libby Larson.

To formally file a complaint with NASA, consult Harassment and Discrimination Reporting for NASA Employees, Contractors and Grantee Beneficiaries.
Contact Meeting Support